Monday, May 11, 2009

BIT CAMP 2009!

24/04/09 - 25/04/09

As promised, I've uploaded some of the photos taken during camp. (Sorry, I don't have much photos to begin with). I bet this camp is really memorable, with hiccups in between. Like what Boon said, with hiccups, leaders would arise, people would initiate and lead. That's very true. Indeed, all of us really learnt some stuff back home. With only few weeks to plan the camp, I think we have done a good job. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder! *PAT*

Okay, here are some of the photos. (PS If you want to view more, can go to facebook and check it out yourself. I'll try to link facebook to here as soon as I can.)

Bomberman with year 1s.

What's happening here? O.o

New version of Traffic!

GL + GM + MAIN COMM + Illias!! We rock! Thanks for all the hard work!

The main com who planned for the camp!
Left to right: Boon Thai, See Yui, Zhe Yong, Da Yuan, Ting Ting, Chai Leng, Hui Ling, Elena.
Before I forget, the main com has to submit a reflection to Boon by end of this month (: So JY!
Anyway, there's some upcoming events! So stay tune(: Will be back with more updates to fill your stomach (: By the way, I've added a tagboard at the side. So you all can chitchattt(:
Chai Leng.

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